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Ask for an evaluation

What is the evaluation for?

While our dogs can be our best companions, at times, issues may arise that makes our relationship strained. Whether it be pulling on your daily walks, nipping children at the park, or being fearful of strangers, there is always something you wish could be better. There is nothing more frustrating than not knowing where or how to start the training process for your dog. If you’re currently experiencing troublesome behaviors or simply want a better behaved pet, your first step should be to schedule an in-depth evaluation.

In this 40-60 minute meeting with our evaluators, you will have the opportunity to express your questions and concerns regarding your pet’s behavior. What’s incredible about WooF Dogs’  trainers isn’t our combined 20+ years experience training dogs; its our well-versed knowledge of dog behavior and psychology. 

Our Trainers’ innate ability to understand dogs paired with our vast skills at training obedience and resolving any unwanted behavior is what has led to decades of happy owners and their well-behaved companions.

After this evaluation, you will have a better understanding of your dog’s problem areas and the best course of action to resolving these issues. The Trainer will be able to explain exactly why your dog may be exhibiting these behaviors and will give you the confidence you need to know that there is hope. While there are many options available to you for getting you and your dog the much needed training you both deserve, the Trainer will be able to give his input as to what he thinks may be best option for you.

Why Schedule an Evaluation?

What makes an evaluation so important is it gives the trainers a better understanding of your needs, your dog’s behavior, and what needs to be accomplished to ensure that you are happy and satisfied with the results. This is always the first step needed in order to start the training process. The evaluation removes any uncertainty from the owners by allowing an experienced professional to assess the dog overall, ask the appropriate questions needed to get a better understanding of the situation, and openly discuss the issues at hand and the best way to rectify them. Ultimately, the evaluation will ensure that you leave the meeting confident in the training process and hopeful to the new beginnings that will come along with your well-trained dog. 

Our services

Book a Consultation with WooF Dogs: (561) 594 - 4111


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